An app designed to look and feel like the OS featured in-game. This free version supports the full GUI and reception of "calls", but cannot send said calls.
It is capable of being "called" by itself and other nearby devices that both have the application open and are on the same WiFi network or paired via Bluetooth. The call will open the animated Dokk OS logo and vibrate or make sound if enabled. To receive calls from others, simply connect to WiFi or pair the devices, then check the devices and press the call button on the calling device.
This app in no way accesses or interferes with other devices (or other applications) without authorization. The communication feature only functions with extensive and explicit permissions from both parties (application must be installed on both, application must be running on both, bluetooth or Wifi must be enabled on both).
它能够被自己和其他附近的设备“调用”,这些设备都打开了应用程序并且在同一个WiFi网络上或通过蓝牙配对。如果启用,呼叫将打开动画Dokk OS徽标并振动或发出声音。要接听其他人的电话,只需连接到WiFi或配对设备,然后检查设备并按呼叫设备上的呼叫按钮。